Parish Pillars

Consecration to Jesus Through Mary

By opening her life to us, Mary shows that we need not be afraid to give ourselves wholly to Christ. She helps us understand the work of the Spirit and to joyfully cooperate with it. Mary is there with us when we are asked to stand with Christ at Calvary and she helps us to persevere with faith until the Resurrection comes.

In her work of evangelization Mary comes to us, in our own time and place, to lead us to Christ to share the glory of heaven. She moves our hearts to care about what happens to others, guiding us to our brothers and sisters, in their time and place, to share what we have found in our journey to Christ.

Let us open our hearts to Mary, trusting without reservation that she will lead us to her son and safeguard our lives in Christ.

Holy Hour

If you pray only for yourself, you will be praying alone. But if you pray for all, all will pray for you, for you are included in this larger group of people praying for each other. There is here no pride, but an increase of humility and a richer harvest from prayer.

The Lord Jesus, in His divine wisdom, taught you about the goodness of the Father, who knows how to give good things, so that you might ask for the things that are good from Goodness itself He urges you to pray earnestly and frequently, not offering long and wearisome prayers, but praying often, and with perseverance. Lengthy prayers are usually filled with empty words, while neglect of prayer results in indifference to prayer. St. Ambrose

Let us pray one Holy Hour a week for the intentions of the parish family of Our lady of Lourdes, including prayer for the intentions of the Holy Father and for vocations to the priesthood and religious life.
Perpetual Adoration


We believe that it is in giving of ourselves to assist others that we follow in the footsteps of Jesus Christ and truly make a difference.

St. John reminds us that to know Jesus is to love him; and to love Jesus is to love our neighbor. The authentic Christian lives his love for Jesus by bringing Jesus, His life-giving touch, to a neighbor in need.

To reach out to someone in Jesus sounds daunting. We might wonder to whom we should go and what we should do. The ministries and groups of Our Lady of Lourdes are a good place to begin and they offer us support along the way.

Let us commit to actively participate in at least one ministry or group of the parish among the over sixty ministry opportunities.
English Groups


Financial support of the parish and of the work of the Archbishop (ABCD).

Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment. Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share. In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life.Timothy 6:17-19

We all can give a portion of that with which we have been blessed.

Let us offer 10% of our income for the work of the parish of Our lady of Lourdes through the weekly offering.
Faith Direct 2020 Financial Report