Word from the Pastor

Message from the Pastor Msgr. Kenneth Schwanger

My Dear Family of Our Lady of Lourdes,

We are back again to reviewing the ministerial assignments of the parish clergy. This weekend we have our senior deacon, Deacon Plummer. Deacon Plummer has always been attentive to his call to help us grow in our respect for the dignity of every human person and has engaged us throughout the years in campaigns of prayer for an end to abortion.

I am asking him to continue that work; to take on the chaplaincy of our Respect Life Ministry and to work with all our ministries so as engage us all in active support of the respect of every human life from conception to natural death and an end to abortion here in the United Sates and around the world.

Please welcome his input as he reaches out to all our parish groups and offer support to his plans for us in the year ahead. Of immediate concern for us is the defeat of Amendment 4 here in Florida. To think that we Floridians would consider abortion part of our constitution, a defining part of who we are as a people, is unfathomable. That said, we have work to do to be sure that it never comes to pass.

I am so grateful to Deacon Plummer for his years of dedication to the mission and to his willingness to forge ahead. Please keep him and those with whom he will be working in your prayers.

Msgr. Schwanger

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