Word from the Pastor

Message from the Pastor Msgr. Schwanger

My Dear Family of Our Lady of Lourdes,

Happy Feast Day!

We celebrate the Mass of Our Lady of Lourdes this Sunday as we close our Festival and give thanks for our patroness, Our Lady of Lourdes, and celebrate our life together in Christ. This beautiful family deeply moves me and I am grateful for this time we have together. This weekend will be the last weekend to turn in your raffle tickets sold and we will have the drawing for the winners this Sunday in the Food Court of the Festival at 9:30pm.

The blessing repeats on the feast day itself, February 11th.

The Healing Mass is always the highlight of our celebration of the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes. God has used Our Lady and her intercession at Lourdes to bring healing to His people both physical and spiritual. She does that by bringing them to her son Jesus Christ. The Sacrament of the Sick is Jesus himself reaching out to touch and heal all who are gravely ill.

Mass on February 11th at 7:00pm will be followed by the Candlelight Rosary Procession to the Grotto.

Please invite all those you know who are gravely ill to join us for the Mass. Let us not forget as well those who are caring for the sick. Their generous gift of themselves is truly an embrace of the cross for the love of another. They too need our prayers and support, and the Mass will offer them comfort and strength as they go forward in Christ.

Finally, a fruit of the visit of the relics of St. Bernadette to Miami is that from now on we will have the Geste de l’Eau the Saturday following each Healing Mass.

Saturday, February 15th, from 8am to 8pm, come to drink and wash of the water of Lourdes just as they do in the Sanctuary itself.

I am sure that you share with me gratefulness to God for bringing us together as a parish family with Our Lady of Lourdes as our patroness and guide.

Remember that the reservation deadlines are fast approaching for the 8th Annual Archdiocese of Miami Pilgrimage to Lourdes; June 22nd to June 29th and September 21st to September 28th.

The pilgrimage is a blessing in itself and opens the door to much more. May our Lord continue to shower His blessings upon us. Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for us. St. Bernadette, pray for us.

Msgr. Schwanger