First Communion & Confirmation

Our Christian Formation Program prepares a person for full initiation into the Catholic Church and a rich and active lifetime in the Church.


Office of Christian Formation

(305) 386-4121 ext. 107

Our parish family is alive with the spirit of our risen Lord and you will find Our Lady of Lourdes to be a loving mother whom you can trust to lead you and your children to Jesus.

Our Christian Formation Program prepares a person for full initiation into the Catholic Church and a rich and active lifetime in the Church. It encompasses the preparation of adults for full initiation into the Catholic Church (RCIA), the preparation of families for the baptism of their children, and the preparation of those who have been baptized to receive their First Communion and Confirmation.

This booklet describes the program for children who have been baptized and are now seeking to receive their First Communion and Confirmation.

We at Our Lady of Lourdes are honored to work with you in providing a formation and education to your children that affirms their dignity as children of God and prepares them to develop and use all the gifts that God has given them to love Him with all their heart, all their mind, and all their soul and to love their neighbor as themselves.

Msgr. Schwanger

Our Team

The Christian Formation team at Our Lady of Lourdes includes the clergy of the parish, our Coordinator of Christian Formation and her assistants, and our exceptional team of Catechists.

We look to have each member of our team certified as Catechists, teachers of the faith, by the Archdiocese of Miami and to meet the “exce ptional” standard in Religion by incorporating the National Catholic Education Association’s Assessment of Catechesis and Religious Education into our performance standards.

Living Our Faith

We are here to share with our children the hope and the life we have found in Jesus.

The formation and education that we provide at Our Lady of Lourdes builds on the foundation that parents have built and continue to build as active Catholic families.

As Catholics, we all are asked to live faithfully the precepts of the Church.

Gathering to worship our Lord at Mass on Sunday is as natural as breathing in and breathing out. It is the source and summit of all that we do. Particular, perhaps, to who we are as parishioners of Our Lady of Lourdes is that we express our unity in faith by:

  • making a Holy Hour each week in the Adoration Chapel praying for the intentions of the parish family,
  • joining the parish family in the total consecration of ourselves to Jesus through Mary, Our Lady of Lourdes,
  • by serving in one of our parish groups or ministries, and
  • contributing 10% of our income to the support of the parish.
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