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Mass Schedule

Weekday Masses
Monday - Saturday
8:00am Church English
Monday - Friday
7:00pm Church Spanish
First Saturday of the month
9:30am Church French
Weekend Masses
Saturday Vigil
5:00pm Church English
6:30pm Church Spanish
7:15am Church English
8:30am Church Spanish
10:15am Church English
11:45am Church English
1:30pm Church Spanish
5:00pm Church English
6:30pm Church Spanish
Confession Schedule
Monday - Friday
7:00am to 7:45am & 6:00pm to 6:45pm (Chapel)
3:00pm to 4:00pm (Chapel)
No Confessions on Holy Days

Everyone Wins

Business Directory

When we think act together as a community, everyone wins! It's free and easy!

Galasam Peregrinaciones
Travel Agency
(786) 681-4999
GALASAM INTERNACIONAL S. A., es un grupo empresarial ecuatoriano dedicado a la industria del turismo,hace 20 anos tuvimos un llamado de Dios para promover el crecimiento espiritual de nuestros hermanos peregrinos y desde ahi nos dedicamos a desarrollar peregrinaciones a diferentes destinos con acompanamiento de un sacerdote como guia espiritual y misas diarias, eso y muchos otros beneficios que ofrecemos, son los que nos caracterizan por ofrecer un buen servicio y nos mantienen como principal agencia de peregrinaciones en el mundo.
Comfort Phlebotomy Services
(786) 554-3092
Cornerstone First Mortgage
Mortgage Lender
(786) 382-8151
Mortgage lender, help with both residential and commercial mortagges for US citizens and Foreign national investors.
Brightway Insurance, The Gonzalez Agency
Insurance Agency
(786) 539-0444
Brightway, The Gonzalez Agency, is not your typical independent insurance agency. We’re a Brightway agency, which means we have relationships with many insurance companies and can offer you expert advice as well as more choice than any other independent agent. Getting started with us is simple: we’ll ask you about you, your family and your needs, and use our insurance expertise to build you a customized policy that will provide the coverages you need at a price you want. Give us a call to put our team of experts to work for you


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